2Hsw 24 kg 3x(15,15,15)
2Hsw 16kg 3x (15,15,15)
2Hsw 12 kg 3x (15,15,15)
Dead clean 16 kg 5/5
C&P 2x16kg 3(5)
Jump rope btwn sets of c&p
Tail draggers length of weight room
walked to the gym and worked on hammie rehab,obliques as advised by Physical Therapist.
2Hsw 12kg 2 (50),1(25)
1Hsw 2(10/10),5/5
1Hsw 5(10/10)
Work at bent press 8kg 2(5/5), 12kg 2 (5/5) hmmm not sure if I'm doing this perfectly
Slingshot 12 kg 10/10 to feel bracing as advised by PhyTherp
Forward bends for hammie
Press handstand
Hanumanasana-they're just splits! Hanuman is the monkey god.
5min snatch 12kg 35L/35R,10/10,20/20 did with no warm up so took a breather at the 10/10s
Did pt stuff and cleaned up weight room,racked a bunch of plates.
Thoracic spine feels great. Having mobility there again esp on left is adding a new dimension back to training.
Later this day did what pt calls windmills for hammie and stability. Similar to yoga Half Moon/Ardha Chandrasana which is typically not stable and not "fun" in the way I like my yoga to be. Obviously need to work on this!!
9 am-9:45 am
JM,lunges eyes closed,jump rope to get going...
5min snatch 12 kg 25/25,25/25,15/15,5/5,5/5
Rehab stuff-heel slide for bracing alt left/right
Windmill 12 kg 2(5/5)
Handstands,Y Stands,Hanumanasana(splits)
In the p.m. Practiced some w/ my class
2Hsw 12kg 30 secs work 30 secs rest: 10 Rounds work
Flip squat 12kg 30 secs on 30 secs off for 2 mins total of work
Chest press 20 kg 5/4/3/2/1(L/R),16 kg 5/4/3/2/1
We jumped rope too. I'm a 1 trick pony on this. Carrick has skills.
Tail draggers across weight room w/5 lb plate.
As a class, we take a look at where everyone is with pullups. Discuss various grips and history. Everyone has a story to tell on these. Talk about tension,abs,pulling shoulders in to socket before initiating pull up versus "cartoon cat" hanging from a bar looking stranded.
Walk dogs as usual.