Monday, May 19, 2008

gtg Russian dinner

Saturday kb classes outside. Practiced with class for swings,squats,c&p,mp. Did lots of yardwork Saturday and Sunday. Mow,trim,edge,mulch,weed,haul stuff. Went on a full moon hike Saturday night at an undisclosed location with my spouse.
Last post entitled "Momentum" because we all need a little push now and then to pop over the bumps. Recently some friends have experienced life changing issues. It's heavy and it has an impact. Brings focus to my work and quietude to my practices. So momentum, to encourage everyone to keep on keeping on with whatever it is they should or need to do.

Sunday a.m. took 2 hour walk with the dogs (old hound and dynamic terrier). Terrier spotted and scrunched 1 mole and 1 baby rabbit. Just squeezed them to get a squeak. He also dialed in on a skink or lizard. Sunday evening gtg barbeque with Russian friends: Lamb,grilled pears,stuffed mushrooms,bread. We left before the second meat; London Broil. Insert copious vodka if you wish.

I continue to gtg pull-ups,pistols. Hammered out 40 push ups. In yoga class we examined how obedient our downward dog is. Practiced variations with blocks to relieve wrist strain. Blanket under heels to lenghten back of legs. Standing forward bends lightly squeezing block for internal rotation and spinal release. Discussed placement of strap on foot for seated forward bends so that heel stays in contact with floor and hammies don't get tweaked.

Our dinner: Made Keema with Ky Bison.

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