Wednesday, May 21, 2008

push coming to shove

2:45-3:30 pm
2hsw 20 kg 6 (15) =90
1hsw 16kg 3(10/10)=60
2hsw 16kg 30,20 =50
2hsw 12kg 50 GT= 250 swings which really isn't much and needs to be more.
C&P 2x12kg 2(5) swing clean
yoga 1/2 moon variation for stability/integration/flex. 5/5
walking see-saw 2x12kg 15/15 more or less
bw pistols 5r,3l,2l
OH squat 1x12kg 5/5
snatch 16kg 2(5/5),12kg 25/25
flexi:split,straddle,figure 4,rajakapotanasana
snatch 12kg 2 (5/5)
Pull-ups 5/4/3/2/1


Howie B said...

I see the push, but think I missed the shove.

Katie, KettlebellKate said...

ah..Howie, I was hoping to spark some self (is there any other kind?) motivation to be more consistent with my practices with that blog post title or that someone iin cyberblog would say "hey, slacker, you train or what?!" Life happens as you know so I am giving what I can!

Howie B said...

Oh I know all too well about Life. Do what you can. The bells will always be there waiting for you with a smile.

Hey, I can now log into the AKC's Kettlebell Lifter forum. How about that!! =)