Thursday, May 1, 2008

So many good things happening!

4/28 Monday
6:30 am depart for Chicago
4/30 Wednesday
7:00 pm Arrive in Louisville
The kids were pleasant and I always love to visit the Shedd, Art Institute and Field. Architectural boat tour is my favorite though the weather conditions were cold (and always windy) on Lake Michigan.
Did 3/3 Pistols at rest stops to and from Chicago. Oddly, I say a guy at an Indiana stop doing toe hold pistols. Maybe they were on drive back from RKC. I would ask, but the kids think it is weird to talk to strangers. Of course, they think its odd to put your hands on the "dirty ground" for push ups so I keep shoes on and do pistols. What can they say about that? Fit some asana in at the hotel and swam too. Just to kick the kinks out. Pushups, hammie rehab and bracing work.
At home this afternoon (after a full day at school):
2Hsw 12 kg 30 secs work 10 secs rest for 5 minutes swing time.
Surya Namaskar A 5x,Utt. Trikon., lunges from Urdvha Muk. Sun Salut. A again... and Urdvha Dhanurasana.Lingered here until comfort settled in.
In English: Sun Salutation A,Triangle,lunges from down dog, Sun Salut. A and Backbend.
Jerks 2x12 kg I wanted to get my legs,lungs and heart coordinated but the dbl jerks felt too sloppy for safety after contortions getting "comfortable" on 5 hour bus ride. So went to singles.
4(10/10) jerks.Elbow finds hip immediately though I don't get in to any groove on this today, I enjoy the experience to practice and wonder if I am resting the elbow on my skeleton soon enough or do I muscle the movement slightly on the descent? I know the more reps the better the groove (for me,it seems) and conservation of energy and movement, but this afternoon is not the time to tax it. Bringing CNS out of slight slumber...
Splits (good improvement here on tighter left side. Hips square, right hip flexor and joint more generous).
Rows since my lats are awake 3 5/5 12kg
What the heck, I feel the need to have both bells so 2x12 kg Sots press. 5 double sots press with rest of 1 minute between.
I think last one I did not fully lock out from bottom, but locked it at top.
Lots of notes in my written log for "need to do this, do that, and revisit some lifts."
I was able to get to Internet from hotel in Chicago though it was very slow to load. It was very inspiring to me to read positive news for the RKC community with new appointment of Senior RKC Sara Cheatham and the excitement of new RKCs from the Cert. Nice momentum to carry us into May and June:)


Taikei Matsushita said...

Only couple months away. I'm working on pull ups, still body weight.

Katie, KettlebellKate said...

"Still body weight" is a-okay. Yoga is body weight and it works well. I am sure it will be a great workshop for you this weekend! The guy posted on aos is coming then. Got to head to class now myself.
I look forward to reading about your workshop and pics!