Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I'm not in my fat pants yet...

though I am a little behind on blogging. Here's the deal: No blogging from the workplace. So, no inspirational moments can be piped into my day in the form of my blog friends, and readers, who probably don't read for my "workouts" anyway, don't know what's up. The last I felt, it was heart wrenching to even see the John Denver and George Jones videos posted on Aaron's blog. John Denver was one of my childhood heros and I don''t think I have forgiven him for being a drunk ( or was he?) and crashing his plane. I DID grow up in the country singing his songs at the top of my lungs with my sister in the back of a red Datsun pick-up, the bed rusted out from salted deer hides, my dad playing the clutch and gas pedal to give us the most "giddies" as we drove the rolling hills to get soft ice cream. I was not a boy,but people who could not see me thought I was until I was maybe 11. I wore mostly Billy the Kid brand clothes,Lees,Levis and harness boots or my swell Tigers.. I was either on the XL 75 Honda bike my dad got me in 1978 or ballet class -yes,point shoes too. An absolute blast and I have not "outgrown" any of it. I will save my rant on suburban life for another day.

For regularity in practices, Tuesday's I get in kb work,Wednesday Ashtanga, Thursday kb work and Friday some straight bar stuff. Yearly PRs will only happen in Minnesota, as it is a total pain to load a bar for deadlifts by myself,or maybe I am missing the obvious. KBs is basics,can be heavy,can be grinds. Lately,exploring windmills. Also overhead holds and negative press with 24kg. I've snatched it. Ken Froese saw it at RKC II. No big deal, you just have to be ready to receive it. Pressing it must be earned though, so I'm surveying to see what's ready and what needs more work. Also pull ups and leg raises. Ladders from 5.

One recent yoga practice I did the hardest asana for a Westerner-Savasana. I intended to do much more but once I got on my mat I pretty much melted to it and stuck there. Oh happy day when my nothing is enough!

Client wise-busy! Picked up 6 new clients since July. Made progress with one fellow who always asked after class, "Can you make it so I am more tired after class?", insisting that fatigue is a sign of a "good workout and progress." Patience and a heavy bell,my friend. Now that we are communicating better there is an understanding that knowing when your body is fatigued is a sign to stop and certainly indicates energy leakages, he is perhaps rowing the same boat as the rest of the class. He found a paddle anyway and we'll take him if he decides to return.

Food wise- doing better on fruits and veggies at school. Not so good on after school pastry and coffee. Weight stays the same 2lbs + or -,strength and endurance same though recovery varies with my inconsistent practices. Waking up earlier than I used makes for a smoother transition to the classroom stage.


Mike T Nelson said...

A trick I use is in blogger you can set up an email address and just email things to your blog and it will save them as a draft post.

Beyond that go to jott.com and you can get a free account and dial a number to talk into your phone, they transcribe it and it will go to your blog email and show up on your blog as a saved draft

If you want to get super fancy, you can hire a virtual assistant in India to do the work behind the scenes of formatting stuff. Works great

Thanks for the updates!
Take care!
Mike N

Katie, KettlebellKate said...

Mike-thanks for checking in! It made me happy not to see a "0" registered. The tips you offered are fabulous. Say "hi" to Jody for me please.-Kate

Aaron Friday said...

Yeah, I don't blog from work either. It's not a rule, but I just don't want to get busted writing the crap I do on their time.

I'm glad you liked the John Denver videos. I heard these songs every week in my childhood, but never realized how pure they were until I rediscovered them just now. I was in a mini downward-spiral recently, because I soak in all the bad news. These songs lifted me right back up again.

My fat pants became my regular pants awhile ago, and that situation needs to be rectified.

Katie, KettlebellKate said...

Before I taught my kb class tonight I had a pack of Nutter Butters and a baglet of Nacho Cheese Combos,blop,blop,waddle,waddle. But I've got a tankload of celery for chewing waiting in the wings. And a pair of pajama pants with elastic.

Tip on music to wring out your brain Chuck Mangione-flugelhorn blows the cares away. Also a good windstorm like we just had is a natural mental enema. Or you could stare at that trippy dude on the bottom of your blog page.