Saturday, August 23, 2008

A teacher extends the hand of possibility

I can't take credit for the phrase,but no matter. Take a moment to consider all the factors that make it possible for you to share your knowledge with others as well as the factors that come together to make your practice happen. What amazing opportunities exist to make healthy connections among people and with yourself. In visiting blogs of new kb friends, I love to see the care people take in teaching their clients and providing them with the best at every class. The best feedback for how you are doing is your students!

Today I woke up at 6:30 am, which is quite early for me. I accomplished chores and headed out to prepare for the day's kb classes and got in a snatch ladder with the 16kg. 10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 (L/R) My warm up was Surya Namaskar A (x2) and B(x2).

At the Level II Heidi Rothenberg of Firebellz indicated a back swing-swing issue in that I was hitting myself in the butt. ADC and Brett encouraged me to send more power out to the bell and take slack out of the elbows. At the CK-FMS when I completed my snatch test for Senior RKC Jeff O'Conner, he noticed that on my right side I was sluggish with the hip snap until I picked up the pace to cook through the last 10 reps. Yep- got lazy butt/gut on that side. Ken Froese saw an opportunity to point out hand placement on a 24kg snatch. Jury is still out on that though it gets the thumb headed back efficiently on the backswing. With gratitude to my teachers past and future!


Christine said...

Interesting points Kate. I'll be keeping an eye out now. I think you just gave me my kettlebell workout for the day. Snatch ladders! Thanks!

Tracy Reifkind said...

I hit my butt when I swing all the time, I don't think it's a big deal. It just demonstrates a shallow hinge style instead of a deep squatting style, I'm also guessing the length of your arms and back might have something to do with it. ( I have short arms).

The video of your level 2 boost snatching clearly shows that a shallow hinge is your snatching style too!

As many swings as we'll do in a lifetime, changing our form slightly can give us completely different workouts, neither is wrong or right IMO, just different.

Katie, KettlebellKate said...

Christine, Way to go on the VO2 Max. I am a weenie and will save it for a rainy season!

Tracy, What I notice on the video is that it appears that I am snatching VERY slowly! Where is all that power I thought I was putting on the downswing? I am in agreement in that there is no right or wrong on it. I will say that my body feels more integrated by altering things based on various suggestions.