Friday, August 1, 2008

Practices for last week of July

Earlier start today. Nice easy jm starting with feet and ankles to work out the kinks from road trip to St. Louis. Squats, Cossack, halos (8kg), slingshot (12kg). Spinal rotation w/dowel.
2Hsw 16kg 20
walkover push-ups 5/5
L-sit leg raise (sit in a pike, press fingertips into floor in front of knees and lift legs together10 times).
Hinge and hold for pain (similar to Ardha Uttkatasana, but my version)
Arm bars 5/5 8kg
Gusu 5/5 8kg
Windmill+ OH Squat 3(5/5) 12 kg
Sing.legdl 2x12 2(5)
OH hold and walk 2(45secs) 2x12kg
End of warm up phase
Snatch 30/30 12kg
Rows off 20 w/16kg 2(5/5)
Flexibility stuff
Kneeling leg curl (machine) 10lbs slow negs 2(5/5) ,hammie stretch

Walk 2 hrs. Hills
Inchworm across studio. Superman plank 3(15 sec hold)
Addhomukhsvan. w/one foot hooked over other foot as foot/ankle/calf and on up stretch
Drop and pry, addhomukh, lunge l/r, catarunga dand, jump to stand
Cossack, additional mobility work for ankles
Halos 8kg
Armbar 8kg
Tgu 16kg 3/3
Armbar 12kg 3/3
Rock and roll pistol to stand alt l/r across studio
End of warm up on to quality control
2Hsw 16kg 5(10), 2(20)
Snatches 10/10 8kg, 10/10 12kg, 10/10 16kg and repeat all again
30/30 8kg, 30/30 8kg
Shrugs/Tilt 2x12 kg 2(10/10)
“Ab” stuff
Taught kbs

ABIB: Deep squat, hurdle, in line lunge, ASLR, Seated rotation.
Made comment in other log for all.
Explored hurdle work and tabletop stride, quad then glute w/hip extension then flexion.
Elevated dip cycle did it and did NOT like it.
½ kneeling dowel twist really did not like it.
In line lunge-most excellent.
Leg lower progression w/ fatigue
Taught yoga

Walked 1hr.


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