Wednesday, May 28, 2008

School's out!

Yahoo:) Celebrated with Ashtanga Led 1-2. Solid. Gotta love the chaturangas...part of my game plan to arrive in some sort of (strong) condition for RKC II is daily Ashtanga while in Costa Rica as well as bw stuff. There will be plenty of sand so perhaps I'll experiment and fill a ditty bag and go to w/tgu and so forth. Main thing is to do it and not day dream the time away or feel "weird" for training during the trip. Pistols and pull-ups are good to go. Need to do heavy swings and I will commence tomorrow like a maniac. I can hardly wait!


Gabi said...

A gran retorno to the center of the universe? :) I've planned the same for today. The cyber-circle closes in more than one way :)

fawn said...

Love those chaturangas! Vinyasas are like and energy renewal... I even do them in powerlifting! LOL!

Some time away from KB's will make RKC II even better. Enjoy down south!

Howie B said...

Hurray!! School's out for summer!!

Time to hit the beaches! Bathing suits and bikinis! And speedos!! Ah... let's forget that last one. Don't forget your sun screen. And make sure you wear a hat! Yahoooo!!