Saturday, April 19, 2008

Shaking in Kentucky

5:30 Friday morning my futon and house are shuddering and the lamp and windows rattling. I open my eyes and see it is dark out but the birds have started to chirp early and there is still the feel of everything shaking. Is the furnace about to blow up? Is there time to wrap the dogs in sheets and lower them out window somehow? Maybe I'm having a heart attack from the dream I hold two (red) competition bells in one hand and was doing jerk. I stay very still in hopes that neither the furnace will explode nor will my heart. A little sweat pools on my chest. Fight or flight? What was I thinking to jerk 2 32s? No wonder I am sweating and having heart attack. Small dog sleeps,older dog alert to rumbles. Birds cease chirping. Earthquake. 5.4 at source. 4 here in city. Return to sleep.

Mother Nature creaks. Now my adjustments...
Several years of hamstring irritation,instability,and general one-sided gimpyness I see trainer at work and make appointment for screening with PT,alphabet soup letters, spine/pelvis guy.Long wait. Go through screening and decide to get hands on work that day. 10 minutes on stationary bike and then the Son of a gun does pretzel with me and I can breathe in stereo again. Work on left hip joint. Learn some recruitment/patterning activities. Homework for me. Will go to practice early today to do hw. I am happy I finally went after this. Was afraid I'd be told not to do the stuff I love doing. He says absolutley not to stop any activities I do. Yeah.


Howie B said...

Yikes. I heard about that earthquake. Glad to hear you're ok. Would have been nicer if it were a dream. And jerking 2-32kg's?!?! You dream big!! Good adjustments. I need some hands on work too. I keep putting it off. Easier to hope it goes away on its own!!

Katie, KettlebellKate said...

Hey Howie- apparently there was another earthquake Friday and Sunday. I did not notice them though.Yup-big jerk in the dream,odd. I have a vague idea what that is about.
If I had known that working out the kinks in my back and hammie was as "easy" as I discovered, I would have pursued help sooner. I was also "hoping it would go away."

Taikei Matsushita said...

Earthquake in Kentucky?
Does it happen quite often?

I get those once in a while here.

Katie, KettlebellKate said...

Taikei-No we rarely get earthquakes in Kentucky. I think it was since the 1800s since there was one.It was a strange feeling. I am from Pennsylvania,originally, and never experienced it. Biggest disaster,human one, was Three Mile Island.