Saturday, February 16, 2008

Cabin fever

Friday afternoon Mysore style Ashtanga: to Navasana+finishing sequence.
Saturday teach Yoga 1-2: Eased into practiice with chest/shoulder openers,some JM for ankles and wrists, then Utthita Trikonasana variations with chair. Focus on extending out through the crown of the head,creating length in the spine and rolling chest open. Create stable base with toes/feet/legs,etc. Finished with Vapariti Dandasana + counter pose (both w/chair) and on to resting asana of your choice. Legs on chair with sandbags a fav.

KB Class Level 1
Working out kinks from Tuesday's metcon
JM+Katie type warm ups
Arm bars
TGU 5 mins alt. sides *everyone's technique is super neat on these.solid.
dblclean 2bells to rack press to OH walk 15-30 secs. working on tight shoulders,chest as well as stability.
2HSw 20 Combo x3
1Hsw 5+5
Jerks refining technique
Snatches 10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 everyone got as much time as needed
Rows of knee 5/4/3/2/1
TGU 5/5 alt sides
Rest in sphinx,fill in logs,talk about flexibility/mobility and challenges and improvements w/clients.

KB Class Level 2
Similar to above. No snatches or no second set tgu's.
Seated press
Single leg DLs
Negative presses looking for leaks.


Howie B said...

Hi Kate, are Slingshots the same as Standing Figure 8's?

Katie, KettlebellKate said...

Hi Howie-Slingshots are an around the body pass. No 8 in there. Pass the kb around the body one hand to the other.