Friday, July 11, 2008

Straight up Ashtanga

Full Primary Mysore tyw (tell you what) the warm weather is most awesome for Padagusthasana. My favorite asanas in the series: Kukkatasana and Urdvha Padmasana. I find them very comical,always. If you were to walk into a room and see anyone getting into Kukkutasana, you would or should laugh. One day I walked into Mysore class and someone was getting into Kukk. I had to leave the room and burst out laughing. Urdvha Pad. is like flying upside down, on autopilot. To me, it is restful-always.
Asanas in the series which I don't enjoy: Supta Kurmasana. Here the hamstrings are hating it.
Besides that, Ardha Chandrasana is a posture I enjoy being terrible at:)


fawn said...

I am going to have to learn the Ashtanga Primary Series one day...

fawn said...

I don't visit Kurmasana much either for the same reason... hamstrings. Ardha Chandrasana is the asana that finally got me started in my home practice, I got sick of falling over in class and decided to actually practice. LOL!