Wednesday, May 28, 2008

School's out!

Yahoo:) Celebrated with Ashtanga Led 1-2. Solid. Gotta love the chaturangas...part of my game plan to arrive in some sort of (strong) condition for RKC II is daily Ashtanga while in Costa Rica as well as bw stuff. There will be plenty of sand so perhaps I'll experiment and fill a ditty bag and go to w/tgu and so forth. Main thing is to do it and not day dream the time away or feel "weird" for training during the trip. Pistols and pull-ups are good to go. Need to do heavy swings and I will commence tomorrow like a maniac. I can hardly wait!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Good to go!

I had a cold last week but now I am good to go again. It is reassuring to read that I don't have to do snatch test in June. My goal is to arrive in decent condition to enjoy and learn as much as possible from RKC II experience and be able to put the lessons into practice. Also, to contribute my energy and enthusiasm for the RKC system while I am there! The opportunity to compare notes, reflect on teaching and students' progress will be valuable. Just hanging with people who like to lift stuff will be cool.
We practiced outside and my "kids" got some exposure to juggling, open palm cleans and other "let'r go" kb drills. Also walking swings and see-saw press.
I taught Ashtanga Led 1-2. Ashtanga is the style of yoga in my personal practice but not the style of yoga I normally teach. The reason is that at my studio you must study in India with Pattabhi Jois to teach Ashtanga. Kettlebell teachers also must be RKC's! I sweated out the last of my cold during this class.
30 secs each 2hsw,1 hsw/1hsw,alt swing =2 mins. Rest 30 secs and repeat. Then 5 minutes swing staring at the top of minute w/20 reps.
2x12 kg MPs 30 secs on 30 secs off x3
2x12kg Frsquats 30 secs on 30 secs of burpees x4
Took a look at jerks and talked about what they aren't-a push press
Snatches 3(11/11) 12kg I felt good and strong during the practice and look forward to more solid practices.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

push coming to shove

2:45-3:30 pm
2hsw 20 kg 6 (15) =90
1hsw 16kg 3(10/10)=60
2hsw 16kg 30,20 =50
2hsw 12kg 50 GT= 250 swings which really isn't much and needs to be more.
C&P 2x12kg 2(5) swing clean
yoga 1/2 moon variation for stability/integration/flex. 5/5
walking see-saw 2x12kg 15/15 more or less
bw pistols 5r,3l,2l
OH squat 1x12kg 5/5
snatch 16kg 2(5/5),12kg 25/25
flexi:split,straddle,figure 4,rajakapotanasana
snatch 12kg 2 (5/5)
Pull-ups 5/4/3/2/1

Monday, May 19, 2008

gtg Russian dinner

Saturday kb classes outside. Practiced with class for swings,squats,c&p,mp. Did lots of yardwork Saturday and Sunday. Mow,trim,edge,mulch,weed,haul stuff. Went on a full moon hike Saturday night at an undisclosed location with my spouse.
Last post entitled "Momentum" because we all need a little push now and then to pop over the bumps. Recently some friends have experienced life changing issues. It's heavy and it has an impact. Brings focus to my work and quietude to my practices. So momentum, to encourage everyone to keep on keeping on with whatever it is they should or need to do.

Sunday a.m. took 2 hour walk with the dogs (old hound and dynamic terrier). Terrier spotted and scrunched 1 mole and 1 baby rabbit. Just squeezed them to get a squeak. He also dialed in on a skink or lizard. Sunday evening gtg barbeque with Russian friends: Lamb,grilled pears,stuffed mushrooms,bread. We left before the second meat; London Broil. Insert copious vodka if you wish.

I continue to gtg pull-ups,pistols. Hammered out 40 push ups. In yoga class we examined how obedient our downward dog is. Practiced variations with blocks to relieve wrist strain. Blanket under heels to lenghten back of legs. Standing forward bends lightly squeezing block for internal rotation and spinal release. Discussed placement of strap on foot for seated forward bends so that heel stays in contact with floor and hammies don't get tweaked.

Our dinner: Made Keema with Ky Bison.

Friday, May 16, 2008


Ashtanga practice in the pm,self-practice. Full Primary. Forward bends felt great from the 1st one on and Janu Sirsasana C (aka toe-crunch asana) felt oddly refreshing to the tops of my feet and ankles for a change. After finishing sequence, sat with breath for some time.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mid-May practices & next adventure

The DLs on Tuesday had me right tuckered out.
5/7 Taught yoga for school's All Children Exercising Simultaneously Day (A.C.E.S. should be A.P.E.S. b/c grown-up people practiced too!)
5/8 12kg 6(30) 2Hsw. Taught "Kettlebells for Yoga" at E.Ky St.
5/10 We practiced outside this morning, what a pleasure!
5/11 Long,slow walk.
5/12 In honor of Gabi and others participating in RKC last weekend, hoisted the 24kg! Cheers to all!! 2 (2/2) more a jerk than push press.
5/13 GTG Pullups throughout the day 4(3). Taught KB class and practiced a bit with class. 30 second work/30 sec. rest. Plenty of push-ups. Was a modified Smokin' Ladders. 2x16kg OH hold 40 secs x2. At the RKC II we will spend some time on windmills and jerks so I want shoulders to be reminded to prepare for stable overhead holds. Handstands.5 hspus. Carrick,Brynn and Anne and I headed over to the weight room to "hang" in preparation for pull-ups. Brynn easily cranked out a couple and as soon as Carrick's visualizations become a reality, she'll be up too! My pull-ups: 4 wait several minutes,then 5.
In early June I'll be traveling to Costa Rica w/students again for Spanish immersion,ecology field studies centered around Leatherback sea turtles and cultural exchange at a high school. This will be my 4th trip to CR and 3rd with EPI (see links) so I am really looking forward to returning to the Pacuare Reserve and working with the tortugas and seeing everyone. The trip will be a challenge for the students. Change of food,shelter,hygiene,sleep patterns and work habits will give them a great opportunity to learn how strong and adaptable they are. Locations are remote with no technology and in some cases, no electricity. Social constructs,such as time, become apparent. It is cool to watch some kids go with the new flow of things and sometimes frustrating when others really want to hang on to the "way things are." Each person has a certain comfort level and will stretch it beyond what they may initially be prepared for. I've seen all manner all of tantrums as participants struggle to cope and grow. It's good stuff. My stretch will be my stomach. We eat rice and bean 3 times a day. Prepare to bloat like a frog. If you've ever put a gummi bear in a cup of water overnight and seen how it absorbs the water? That is how my stomach will feel.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

...and in the pm

12 kg snatch 10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1
Smokin'Ladders time to go through twice. Used just the 8kgs.
DL 4x 95lbs
DL 2x 165lbs
opps. I was thinking it was 120lbs but forgot to add the bar. No wonder.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Lunch break

2Hsw 20 kg 30 secs on 30 secs off total work 3 mins
Dead cleans 2x16kg 2(5)
Swing/clean/press 20kg 2(1/1,2/2)
halos 5/5 w/12kg
Bent press,working on it technique wise 12kg (4/4)
Back to work!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

WTH Deadlift

12kg rows off knee 3*(5/4/3/2/1)
12kg snatches 10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1
12kg flip squat 2mins.
Steve chose to DL after class so I jumped in. I pulled 135 lbs twice. It didn't feel like anything much. Being short there is not very far to pull it.

Kentucky Derby time

Lots of festivities these last few days. More frequent sightings of the "Party Wagon." An old converted fire truck with a hot tub in it and a bar, apparently, and loud music. Classy.
Ashtanga Full Primary Series. Home practice felt very strong and light which is a relief after riding in a coach and eating road food for 3 days. I realize that when I travel, I tend to hoard food. I packed "spare protein," nuts, wheat crackers, and fruit. Having done this trip to Chicago many times, the habit to bring food takes on new meaning. I know we are going to eat, so what's the big deal? I guess having alternative to MacVomald's is why because I pay for eating it for over a week. Not this year as I actually ate the food I packed.
A note about yoga,and Fawn may have mentioned this as she practices "Mysore style" too. In Ashtanga practice, you may attend lead classes or practice on your own in a room of other people doing the same series. The teacher is available for adjustments or to remind you what posture is next. In a led class, the count is in Sanskrit,and asanas too, of course. Where I practice, lead classes can either stop at the standing postures+ beginner's finishing or Full Primary+ finishing.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

So many good things happening!

4/28 Monday
6:30 am depart for Chicago
4/30 Wednesday
7:00 pm Arrive in Louisville
The kids were pleasant and I always love to visit the Shedd, Art Institute and Field. Architectural boat tour is my favorite though the weather conditions were cold (and always windy) on Lake Michigan.
Did 3/3 Pistols at rest stops to and from Chicago. Oddly, I say a guy at an Indiana stop doing toe hold pistols. Maybe they were on drive back from RKC. I would ask, but the kids think it is weird to talk to strangers. Of course, they think its odd to put your hands on the "dirty ground" for push ups so I keep shoes on and do pistols. What can they say about that? Fit some asana in at the hotel and swam too. Just to kick the kinks out. Pushups, hammie rehab and bracing work.
At home this afternoon (after a full day at school):
2Hsw 12 kg 30 secs work 10 secs rest for 5 minutes swing time.
Surya Namaskar A 5x,Utt. Trikon., lunges from Urdvha Muk. Sun Salut. A again... and Urdvha Dhanurasana.Lingered here until comfort settled in.
In English: Sun Salutation A,Triangle,lunges from down dog, Sun Salut. A and Backbend.
Jerks 2x12 kg I wanted to get my legs,lungs and heart coordinated but the dbl jerks felt too sloppy for safety after contortions getting "comfortable" on 5 hour bus ride. So went to singles.
4(10/10) jerks.Elbow finds hip immediately though I don't get in to any groove on this today, I enjoy the experience to practice and wonder if I am resting the elbow on my skeleton soon enough or do I muscle the movement slightly on the descent? I know the more reps the better the groove (for me,it seems) and conservation of energy and movement, but this afternoon is not the time to tax it. Bringing CNS out of slight slumber...
Splits (good improvement here on tighter left side. Hips square, right hip flexor and joint more generous).
Rows since my lats are awake 3 5/5 12kg
What the heck, I feel the need to have both bells so 2x12 kg Sots press. 5 double sots press with rest of 1 minute between.
I think last one I did not fully lock out from bottom, but locked it at top.
Lots of notes in my written log for "need to do this, do that, and revisit some lifts."
I was able to get to Internet from hotel in Chicago though it was very slow to load. It was very inspiring to me to read positive news for the RKC community with new appointment of Senior RKC Sara Cheatham and the excitement of new RKCs from the Cert. Nice momentum to carry us into May and June:)