Wednesday, July 2, 2008

BBQ pics

Taikei, Aaron, and Jim Ryan.

Gathering around the table.

Taikei and Elsa. Best of friends.


Aaron Friday said...

Would have been nice to have Rif in that top photo, but he was taking pictures wasn't he?

Thank you for sharing time with us. I think you have a wonderful personality.

Taikei Matsushita said...

Had a wounderful time with you.
We now have 6 of June 2007 team Rif RKCs getting RKC II (including John Rock and Tim last year).

Katie, KettlebellKate said...

Yes, I wish I could have gotten Rif in that picture too. He and Tracy are in the one below it, seated. Thank you for so generously opening your home and also taking Taikei and me to The Press Gym-and grilling! I enjoyed "air-jamming" on old school tunes.

Taikei, I was so glad to see you and hang out with a relaxed atmosphere-and we all got to be in Fawn's students for an evening. Fawn rocks!

Yes, many of Team Rif '07 did him proud at L2!

Mike T Nelson said...

Nice to meet you also!
Rock on!
Mike N