Saturday, February 9, 2008

2008 February...the new October

8kg 28 minutes
50/50 reps all up to pushpress. Ppress more milpress & those and broke down as 20/15/15.
jerks 20/20/10. Jerks were great fun.

Taught yoga 1hr 15mins.

12kg 35 minutes

Okay-I'm keeping a log now. August was the start of a new school year so a couple months to dial in the schedule. Currently teaching 2 Yoga classes per week and 3 KB classes + private classes occasionally. September my Chesapeake Bay Retriever began his decline. He enjoyed a couple upswings but mostly I was doing 70+lb Zerchers from floor level to get him outside and then stabilizing him for the necessaries. He was a good old boy and stubborn as hell. October 20 morning he let go then I went to teach yoga,then KBs and on to David Swenson workshop. Guthrie was not my first dog ( I grew up on a farm) though the first I'd had/chosen since a puppy. He went backpacking with me and hated it when I climbed. He loved swimming and diving for bricks and rocks. I guess he could hold his breath as I clocked him 20 secs. head under water searching for the "right" rock. He also loved snow and cold weather as I do.
My KB students continue to inspire me! More posts and pics of them to follow! Thank you for checking in again.


Howie B said...

Glad to see you're up posting again. I'll be checking in, looking forward to new posts and pics. I've found reading and discussing progress with others is a great motivator. Nice to have snow! Up here in NY, it's been mostly just cold, not much covering the ground at all this year.

Howie B said...

P.S. Sorry to hear about Guthrie.