Monday, September 14, 2009


Added paint prep to shoulder conditioning. Chipping away on exterior household projects. Paint thinner and razor blading gooey, old paint today. Mostly overhead. Ashtanga practice. Then home to more prep work. Woefully behind on reading blogs but enjoying each one. The codes that some require to post comment is another reason blogging would have not been possible this summer. Letters and numbers coming from fingers on keyboard would not compute. Makes you realize how amazing the human body is,especially when all parts in decent working order. I think I have let Fawn down by eating too many carbs this summer. She warned me not to eat too much sugar. It was like telling my sister not to put the bobby pin in her ear-of course she did it. I start with a breakfast cinnamon bun with icing. Lunch today was dessert. A small carrot cake and coffee. Dinner was chick peas,veggies,chicken and indian type sauce. Then I had a hunk of chocolate almond bar. I may be forced to begin a written food confessional until I get the sweets beast back in his cage.

1 comment:

fawn said...

I was worried about you Katie! Sugar is just so bad for you... I wish I had the means to stay and cook for you this summer. Let food be your medicine. But then again, I have no clue what you were going through. I'm just glad you are ok. Miss you! Let's talk soon.