Warm-up: 3x (7 push ups+10 bw squats)
Straight bar w/bumper plates 20 lbs:
10 Floor to OH
Run 650 m
10 FSQ
Run 650m
10 DL
Run 650
WOD called for 10 reps,then 20,then 30, but brought in all my reps at 10. The first 650 m run sucked b/c I was winded and slightly angry , the next time was better b/c it helped me to cool down physically and mentally as well as to stay loose. The next round's laps around the block were fine except the smell of the exhaust of the grill and burgers.
The WOD was a "team" effort though I did not feel the love too much with my group. I tried to share it with high 5s and positive comments. Maybe that has gone out of style. Maybe my voice not be heard above the heavy AC/DC.
It was an accomplishment for me to 1) follow instructions (even though I did not due to doing just 10 reps of each exercise), 2) recognize the team aspect of the WOD 3) it was 1:30 pm and I had not EATEN (coffee/sticky bun) 4) we had all listened to a two hour lecture on how to eat if you want to be a bodybuilder, fitness model or kick ass on the WOD~none which are goals for me. This gave me (MORE) time to consider short term goals. I booked on home for a recovery drink of choice. For me, today was a hell of a lot of exercise on top of getting up early to teach at 8:30 am today and hiking in Kentucky's Red River Gorge.
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