Monday, April 19, 2010

Butter me and take a bite, I'm toast.

Warm up: Rode my bike to practice,foam rollered,ankle mobility at the wall.
Snatch day. Gym Boss set for 5 minutes of work and 3 minutes of rest.
8 kg:20/20,15/15,5/5+5
10 kg: 6 (10/10)
12 kg: 15/15,15/15,10/10,10/10,5/5,5/5
16 kg: 5/5 OH hold
12 kg: 2 (10/10)
Total: 325
Cool down: Surya Namaskar A and B,Supta Padangusthasana A, Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana A,B & C. Virasana.
I pretty much went from zero to hero on the snatches. Let's not talk about the 16 kg. This time last year I could not even lift a kb.
Hi everyone out there in Bloglandia.

1 comment: said...

Great blog! I am new to KBs, but I am learning to love my 40lbs KB.